Anvil: Iron or steel block on which metals are hammered and shaped.

Anvil swage: Tool for shaping metal which is inserted in swage hole on anvil.

Ball-peen hammer: Hammer with a rounded head opposite its face.

Bars: Part of a horse's foot.

Bellows: Machine used for creating a draught for a fire.

Bick: Pointed curve of anvil used for shaping horse shoes

Bosh: Trough or container used for holding water to cool metal and tools.

Corns: Bruises on the sole of an horses hoof caused by bad shoeing.

Dumping: Filing a foot to make it fit a shoe that is too small for a horse.

Face: Hard flat piece of anvil on which most of the work is done.

File: Jagged metal tool used for wearing away metal of other substances which are softer.

Flap valve: Hole in bellows with leather flap for intake of air.

Flatter: Tool with a broad flat edge that was hit with a sledge to flatten metal.

Forge: Usually square brick built block which contained the blacksmiths fire.  Blacksmiths shed was also known as the forge.

Forge: To heat metal very hot and hammer it into shape.

Fullers: Tools used for indenting metal to lengthen it.

Hammer: Tool used for driving nails and beating metal.

Hearth: Stone or brick floor of a fire place.

Heel: Back end of an anvil.

Hoof: A horses foot made up of horn and soft tissue.

Hoof pick: Small tool for removing mud and stone from horses hoof.

Iron: Cast iron,  pig iron and wrought iron.

Laminitus: Fever in feet of horses.

Leaf hammer: Specialized "pick like" hammer.

Leaf tool: Tool inserted in anvil for specialized job.

Mandrel: Conical shaped metal tool for  turning  hoops and rings.

Nozzle: Top of bellow from which air escaped.

Pritchel: Punch tool used for making hole.

Pritchel hole: Hole in anvil over which holes are punched.

Rasp: File like tool for filing hoofs.

Set: Wedge shaped cutting tool.

Set hammer: Hammers for beating sets.

Swage: Tool for holding iron in a particular shape.

Swage block: A piece of cast iron pierced and indented with slots, holes and grooves for shaping metal.

Sledge: Heavy hammer.

Snout grip: Rope on a handle used to hold a horse by the snout.

Striking: Heavy beating on metal.

Swage hole: Hole at heel of anvil for inserting various swages into.

Table: Soft part of anvil used for chiselling iron.

Temper: Making edge of tool hard by beating and then cooling in bosh.

Thrush: Foul smelling disease of horses foot.

Tongs: Tools used for holding metal and removing it from fire.

Tuyere: Cast iron tube through which air was delivered from bellows to fire.

Welding: Joining two pieces of metal by heat and hammering.



Pig iron; Crude iron as it comes from the smelter.

Wrought iron: Tough durable iron produced from pig iron, soft enough to be forged

Cast iron: Hard brittle form of iron made from re-melting pig iron.


Metal heats at which smiths perform different operations.

Warm heat: For setting springs.

Black heat: Faint glow in iron. 

Dull red: Shaping metal.

Cherry red: Shaping metal

Bright red: Shaping metal.

Welding heat: Joining metal.

Snowball heat: Fusing metal.

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